Lihi Lapid

Lihi Lapid - Israely Speaker Center
Hebrew, English

Bestselling author, journalist, and speaker with a finger on the pulse of contemporary women’s issues

Lihi Lapid has been writing a weekly newspaper column in the Yediot Ahronot weekend edition for ten years. She has written three bestselling novels – Secrets from Within, Woman of Valor, and I Can’t Always Be wonderful, and a bestselling children’s book. Prior to becoming a writer, Ms. Lapid was a professional news photographer.


Women did it. The feminist revolution succeeded, we can live life which are radically different from our mothers’ and grandmothers’ lives. We can choose what we want to be, but it is not always so easy. Today’s woman is expected to be the wonderful wife, mother, career woman, self-actualized human being and to do it all- while smiling and looking great. What r we doing wrong?

For once we’re going to talk about it differently.

We’ll talk about what it means to be a woman and a mother, and how between investing our energies at work and with our families, we’ve forgotten ourselves.

We’re not going to talk about how we’re going to achieve more.

We’re going to talk about how we can be better to ourselves

We are always happy to answer questions
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Lihi Lapid
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