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Alon Ben-David
Television and print journalist
Zvi Yehezkeli
A senior commentator and the head of the Arabdesk in Channel 13 News
Jacob Eilon
Has been Chief News Anchorman on various Israeli TV networks
Shirly Pinto
Shirly was recently appointed as an information ambassador on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and leads struggles to…
To all Lecturers in News & Media
Dr Yaniv Zaid
Attorney, Economist, and international expert in the field of persuasion
Dr Yaniv Levyatan Ph.D
An international expert on Psychological Warfare.
(Res.)Br. General Bentzi Gruber
Vice Commander (reserves) of Division 252, an armored division of 20,000 soldier in the IDF
Yael Arad
The first Israeli to win an Olympic medal. Currently specializes in entrepreneurship and business development
To all Lecturers in Economics, Business & Leadership
Prof. David Passig
Futurist, lecturer, consultant and best-selling author who specializes in technological, social and educational futures
Dr. Erez Morag
A sports tech innovator, CEO of Acceler8 Performance & Chief Innovation Officer of Playermaker
Maayan Priluk
Food technology fan, entrepreneur, and Tech Reporter
Abigail Tenembaum
Co-founder of Virtuozo and speaker coach for the international TED
To all Lecturers in Innovation & Future Studies
David Michael Blatt
Israeli-American professional basketball coach and a former professional basketball player
Hagar Finer
2009 World boxing Champion
Dr Michael Dor M.D
Senior Medical Advisor of the Medical Cannabis Unit in the Israeli Ministry of Health ,specialist in Family Medicine and Health…
Gil Hovav
Israel's leading culinary journalist and television personality
To all Lecturers in Health, Sport & Nutrition
Prof Yoram Yovell
Highly respected psychiatrist, brain researcher, psychoanalyst, TV presenter, author and a keynote speakers.
Orna Ben Dor
One of Israelโs prominent filmmakers, television creators and television hosts, a multiple-award-winner
Lihi Lapid
Bestselling author, journalist, and speaker with a finger on the pulse of contemporary womenโs issues
Marianne Miller
Holocaust survivor
To all Lecturers in Relation, Family & Life
Roni Saslove
Wine educator โจWinemaker, Grape-grower, Wine writer,Judge and Lecturer.
Michal Hazon
All genres writer. performer-artist- comedian and out of the box thinker
Osnat Shir-Vishinsky
Artist, singer, comedian, public speaker, and life coach
Itai Hermann
"The Chaser" from the game show HaMirdaf ("The Chase", winner of the Israeli TV academy)
To all Lecturers in Humor & Entertainment Lectures
Gonen Ben-Itzhak
Israeli Secret Service (ISS) agent who was the handler of the Green Prince - ISS's most valuable recruit.
Noam Gershony
Former IDF pilot mortally wounded, winner of a tennis Paralympics gold medal
Neta Rivkin
The most decorated rhythmic gymnastics in Israel at all times
To all Lecturers in Inspirational Lectures
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