Prof Yaron Zelekha

ירון זליכה - מרכז המרצים לישראל
Hebrew, English

One of the most influential economists in Israel is the President of the Higher Academic Council in Ono Academic College and Director of its Accounting School. During 2003 – 2007 Prof. Zelekha was the Accountant General of the State of Israel, during 1996 – 1998 served as the Director of the Prime Minister’s Economic Staff and chaired numerous Public Committees. Prof. Zelekha was awarded many esteemed awards including The Global Best Issue of the Year Award (2007), The Global Road Achievement Award in Innovative Finance (with others) (2009), The Knight of Quality Government Award (2009), The Anti-Corruption Award from the Movement for Sound Government (2007), The Best CFO of the Year Award (2004), The Chamber of Information Systems Analysts Award for Excellence (twice – in 2005 and 2006) and twice awarded Special Award by The Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel (1994 and 2006). Prof. Zelekha published 6 books and dozens of academic papers.


In his lectures, Prof. Zelekha presents a very extensive overview of the Israeli economy including prospects, challenges, and opportunities. Bravely Prof Zelekha discusses issues that are crucial for Israel’s success such as Corruption, Competition, Regulation, Inequality, and Vision.

We are always happy to answer questions
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Prof Yaron Zelekha
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Prof Yaron Zelekha
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