Boxing is a mirror to your inner-self. Be true to yourself – what does it mean? Are you lying to yourself on the boxing-ring of life? If you won’t recognize the truth you will hit the ground. At the same time – a failure could be the most meaningful moment for us. Failure is inevitable. It forces us to recognize where we are not doing well and need to improve ourselves. Overcoming a failure makes us stronger and builds our self-confidence. We are ready to step forward.
Additional topics covered during the lecture: Mental preparation – transformation from a young adult to a fighting machine. The preparation to the fight all the way through to fight itself. The process. Simulation with the psychologist of the character transformation – from a normative human-being to a fighting machine. Each fight with its unique baggage – of life and of the ring. Face to face – the first look at your opponent. Against all odds and without the proper conditions. With strong will and perseverance, self-discipline and tremendous focus at the mission – Finer was able to do the impossible.